Dedicato alla mia amica Elena( e al suo tributo per i miei OC Zack e Angus ;)! Grazie mille carissimaXD! Questa vignetta è una sorta di "continuo" per vedere come avrebbero reagito loro due se avessero visto il disegno dello sgabello ( guardatelo prima nel suo blog sennò non si capisce ;)!)A presto!
Dedicated to my friend Elena ( that have made a little tribute of my two OC Zack and Angus ^^! Thank you very much my dear ;)!This want to be a sort of "continue" I had fun trying to imagine how they would react after seeing her draw, especially the last one with the stool ;)! ehehehe! So go to her blog and have a look and after come back here and read this, it will be all clear ;)!Hope you enjoy and see ya soon ;)!
Pencil 2013 by Volpe Artica
matita 2013 by Volpe Artica
Zack: Hey, have you seen what Elena have drawn about us? You look so cute in here , chick ! Nice try kissing me with that stool XD!
___Angus goes away___
Zack : Hey were are you going????
Angus: I'll be back soon.
__Angus in front of us ( me and Elena )__
Angus: A STOOL ?! >:(*******
Elena: I've done all what she said to meeeee !!! *cries pointing to me*
Me: oh crap....O_o
RispondiEliminavuoi che venga io a calmarlo :D?
Provaci XD! Prima che ci ammazzi a tutte e due =P!!
RispondiEliminaok XD, dai Angus susu, è solo uno scherzo...!
EliminaSì non ci uccidere O_O!!!
RispondiEliminaMeglio uno sgabello che uno sgabrutto!
RispondiEliminaahahhahahaha XD!