venerdì 3 aprile 2015

Over the Garden Wall

Ciao a tutti :)!
Recentemente mi sono vista questo cartone, chiamato "Over the Garden Wall", però non la versione italiana su Cartoon Network, perché non ce l'ho, ma in lingua originale...E' la storia di due fratelli, Wirt e Gregory detto Greg, che si smarriscono in questo bosco misterioso chiamato " Ignoto" e che sembra essere abitato da una strana " Bestia"....l'ho trovato carino e ho voluto per questo farci una piccola fan art :)! Spero vi piaccia e vi abbia incuriosito a guardarlo ;)! Alla prossima!
Hi everyone :)!
Recently I watched this short cartoon titled " Over the Garden Wall"; but not the italian version because it was transmitted on a pay channel, so I watched the original version and I found it cute :)! For those who don't know , it's about two brothers, Gregory ( called Greg) and Wirt , who got lost in a forest called "The Unknown" that seems to be inhabitated by a strange " Beast"...I liked the show so I decided to make my little tribute :)! I hope you'll like it and also you'll take a look to the episodes :)! see ya soon!

Over the Garden Wall belongs to Patrick McHale and Cartoon Network Studios! (C)
The picture belongs to me :) , Volpe Artica ( Eleonora Neri) (C)
Over the Garden Wall appartiene a Patrick McHale e Cartoon Network Studios ! (C)
L'immagine appartiene a me:) , Volpe Artica ( Eleonora Neri) (C)
matite colorate, acquerelli, china e Photoshop 2015
colored pencils, watercolors, ink and Photshop 2015

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